We work with a team of talented professionals in different areas such as, scriptwriters, directors, cameramen, editors and audio & video production specialists.

Claudia Godoy


Studied journalism at Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile. Worked in the wellknown
journalistic programme "Contacto" of Canal 13,
creator of the “Reality TV” area of TVN
and Head Content Manager of the public station.
Author of the renowned documentary “Patricio Aylwin”.
Television Professor at Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
and Universidad del Desarrollo.

Founder of ColombaFilms.

Eduardo Ravanal


Director with a Master's degree in Editing
and Film Directing from the Escac in Barcelona.
Creator and Director of different journalistic
programmes, documentaries and entertainment
shows for Canal 13, TVN and Mega.
Some of them are: “Lleve de lo bueno”,
“Y tú, qué harías?”, “21 días”,
“Al límite de la ficción”, “Zona de Encuentro”
and “Bajo el mismo techo”.

Founder of Colombafilms.